Thursday, October 7, 2021

Essay on indian army

Essay on indian army

essay on indian army

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Short Essay On Indian Army - Our Pride, Know about Indian Armed Forces

Indian army needs no introduction. We all have love, respect and admiration for our soldiers and the Indian army as a whole. As we all know, Indian army has a long and glorious history. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about everything in such a limited space. Still I have tried to touch all the main points and also have tried to speak my heart essay on indian army. I hope you will be able to appreciate my efforts and the essays.

Whenever I think of Indian army Essay on indian army also wanted to become a soliderI become happy. I feel, essay on indian army are lucky to have such an institution of which we can really feel proud. A common person knows very little about Indian Army because maximum of the things are classified, essay on indian army. Still there is sufficient information in public domain.

In the following Indian Army essay, I have tried to put all that information here and also have given my view point. I hope following essay on Indian Army will be appreciated and liked by you. Indian armed forces are divided into three parts — Indian army, Indian Airforce and the Indian Navy, essay on indian army.

Indian army is the land-based unit, while Indian Airforce deals in air defence and Indian Navy is the naval unit. Our Indian army is the second largest in the world with about 1, essay on indian army. Indian army is mainly responsible to protect the country against land based attacks.

It also lends a helping hand to other agencies in dealing with terrorism, tackling emergency situations in the country and also rescuing people in case of natural calamities like flood, earthquake etc. The current chief of army staff COAS is General Bipin Rawat as of As Indian army is very huge, essay on indian army, it is divided into regiments. Some important regiments are Punjab regiment, Madras regiment, Rajputana rifles, Sikh regiment etc. Indian army before independence under British rule had participated in World War I and II.

After independence it has also fought many full-fledged wars like the Kargil warBangladesh liberation warIndia -Pakistan warIndia-China war and first Kashmir war Besides these, Indian army has also handled some smaller conflicts like Siachen conflictOperation PoloIndia-China conflict etc.

Asking about the importance of Indian Army in India is like asking the importance of heart in a human body. It would not be wrong to say that there would be no India without Indian Army. It is the backbone of the country. It is also one of the few institutions left in the country which could be considered as completely neutral and reliable. If any thing goes really wrong in the country, we look at the army for solutions, be it riot control, counter insurgency, fighting terrorism, fighting Naxalites and even getting medals in international sporting events.

The main role of the Indian army is of course defending our country from external and internal threats. It has proven its mettle many times. After independence it has fought five major wars and has also handled many smaller conflicts successfully. It has fought wars and won even when enemies had superior weapons. For example, in Pakistan had Patton tanks gifted to them by America. They were considered invincible at that time, essay on indian army.

India did not have anything that could match those Essay on indian army tanks. Still Indian army was able to defeat Pakistani tanks in the battle of Asal Uttar, essay on indian army. Havildar Abdul Hamid single handily destroyed six Pakistani tanks with his jeep mounted recoilless rifle and died trying to destroy the seventh. It is believed that Americans came to India to know the method and equipment by which their invincible Patton tanks were destroyed. It is believed that India refused their request.

Indian army also had successfully handled many riots, for example Godhra riots, Mumbai riots, riots etc. Currently it has about 1. It has also produced many notable sports persons who have brought laurels to our country. Some of them are Milkha Singh, Rajya Vardhan Rathore, Vijay Kumar, and Major Dhayan Chand etc.

Indian army is one of the best forces in the world, essay on indian army. It has the ability to handle any external and internal threat, essay on indian army. Overall, we can say that Indian Army is the soul of our country. Essay on indian army you pick a person, randomly and ask him birthdays of film stars, politicians, sports persons etc.

The problem is that, we have taken so many things for granted. We have taken for granted that someone is always deployed to guard our borders while we sleep in our cosy homes or there will be someone to take the bullets of the enemies and terrorists for us. Why everyone wants to become a doctor, engineer, lawyer etc but very few of us wants to become soldiers.

The day was started celebrating from through various activities like Military Parade, cultural programs, etc. It is also celebrated at all army establishments. Some schools and social organisations also celebrate essay on indian army day, essay on indian army. The day is celebrated to commemorate the appointment of our first army chief, Lieutenant general K.

The story of his appointment is also very interesting. The story goes something like this — Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was having a meeting with senior army personals and cabinet ministers. He suggested that the post of first army chief essay on indian army be given to a British officer because Indian officers have no experience in handling such a post, essay on indian army. On this he suggested the name of Lieutenant general K.

Cariappa who was also present there and thus he became the first army chief. I essay on indian army as a kid, as to how is the life of a soldier. I assumed that it must be a bed of roses as opposed to mine which was like hell because I had to go to school, finish homework, learn answers, appear in tests and exams and had no time to play. On the other hand, I felt that a soldier just has to move around here and there in his smart green uniform with his gun.

The problem is that, even many grownups also feel the same, not realizing how wrong they are. Maximum people think that its like a regular 9 to 5 job but this is far from reality. I used to tell my dad that I would also like to become an army officer like him he served in the Territorial Army as a junior commissioned officer. On this my dad used to laugh loudly. Now I realize how wrong I was. The reality is that, it is one of the toughest working environments and definitely not a bed of roses.

I got some idea of the work environment of the army from the media but I soon realized it was half-truth. Luckily my dad and some of his friends who also served in the army were more than willing to share their stories. He told me that their training days were quite tough because the new environment was quite different from the civilian environment which they were used to.

My dad and his colleagues got punished many times for coming late. The punishment was usually quite difficult. Normally it was running with full gear for miles or essay on indian army like that. After morning P. T, physical endurance training started and that continued for few hours. Instructors were normally considered villains by most of the trainees. Once my dad and his colleagues were denied water after a ten-mile run. Their reaction was as expected. They had jokingly wished to kill the instructor then.

There were theory classes after essay on indian army. Evening time was play time. Cadets used to play all type of games including football, volleyball, basketball etc. Dinner was a formal affair. They made so many friends there. Time passed like that and the training of my dad finished.

He got posted at many places but there was one posting which according to him was the toughest. For that he even got a gallantry medal. My dad says that if you want a routine essay on indian army then army is not for you but if you want to be pushed to your limit and want your life to be little adventurous then you must join army. There are very few institutions left in the country for which it can be said that country will cease to exist if these institutions fail.

Indian army is one of them. All institutions of the country contribute towards nation building. It would not be wrong to say that Indian army is like the heart of a body. If it stops, the whole body nation stops. There are many roles which the army plays.

Some of them are discussed below. We all know that Indian army is our first line of defence. It has defended us from many foreign attacks 5 major wars and few other minor conflicts. It is also helping other agencies in dealing with terrorism, essay on indian army, insurgency, law and order, riots etc.


, time: 2:12

Best essay on indian army

essay on indian army

Essay on Indian Army. The Indian Army does not need any introduction, we all have love, respect and appreciation for our soldiers and the Indian Army. As we all know that the Indian Army has a long and glorious history, therefore, it is difficult to talk about everything in such a confined blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Mar 03,  · Short Essay On Indian Army – Our Pride Know About Indian Armed Forces. Indian army needs no introduction. We have respect, love, pride, and admiration for our soldiers and for the Indian army as a whole. From the burning deserts of Rajasthan to the icy heights of Siachen, from battling Warfield to nation-building, from surviving struggle to supreme sacrifice with an unbeatable will, our soldiers compromise their lives for honour and above all for blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins Jun 12,  · Essay on Indian Army: The Indian Army is a segment of India that ensures national security as well as the national unity of the people of this country. India is a diverse country and so are the problems that India faces. The Indian army plays a major role in controlling the problems of this country and this is the reason peace can prevail in the blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins

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