Algae can be used to make Biodiesel, Bio ethanol and biobutanol and b y some can produce vastly superior amounts of vegetable oil, compared to Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins recommended the preparation of this review paper on algae-based biofuels as a reference platform for possible future work of the Organization. Development of the review paper was coordinated by Alessandro Flammini (GBEP Secretariat) under the overall guidance of Mr Jeff Tschirley (Chair, FAO Bioenergy Working Group) Recent papers in Biofuels from algae Papers People Effect of pH and Alum Dosage on the Efficiency of Microalgae Harvesting via Flocculation Technique Microalgae biomass is well known as potential sustainable product for the bio-based industry, which has reported encountering numerous difficulties during biomass harvesting and recovering
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To algae biofuel research paper Academia. edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Skip to main content. edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Log In Sign Up. Biofuels from algae 7, Followers. Papers People. Suspended particulate matter distribution in rural-industrial Satna and in urban-industrial South Delhi.
Save to Library. An Open Pond System for Microalgal Cultivation. Gasification Integrated with Small Chemical Pulp Mills for Fuel and Energy Production. District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective solutions for decreasing the greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector.
These systems require high investments which are returned These systems require high investments which are returned through the heat sales. Due to the changed climate conditions and building renovation policies, heat demand in the future could decrease, algae biofuel research paper, prolonging the investment return period. The main scope of this paper is to assess the feasibility of using the heat demand — outdoor algae biofuel research paper function for heat demand forecast.
The district of Alvalade, located in Lisbon Portugalwas used as a case study. The district is consisted of buildings that vary in both construction period and typology. Three weather scenarios low, medium, high and three district renovation scenarios were developed shallow, intermediate, deep. To estimate the error, obtained heat demand values were compared with results from a dynamic heat demand model, previously developed and Making biofuels from microalgae -A review of technologies.
As the world hunts eagerly for alternative fuel sources, microalgae are attracting wide interest. Lipids derived from algae hold great promise as a biofuel feedstock. The high-lipid content found in some species is a fundamental edge. Therefore, there are vigorous research initiatives aimed to develop alternative renewable and potentially carbon neutral solid, liquid and gaseous biofuels as alternative energy resources. Second generation biofuels derived from lignocellulosic agriculture and forest residues; however there is a serious concern over competing land use or required lan Regulation and Improvement of Cellulase Production: Recent Advances.
Life-Cycle Assessment of Microalgal-Based Biofuels. Cyanobacterial pigment concentrations in inland waters: Novel algae biofuel research paper algorithms for multi- and hyperspectral remote sensing data. Cyanobacteria are notorious for Cyanobacteria are notorious for producing harmful algal blooms that present an ever-increasing serious threat to aquatic ecosystems worldwide, impacting the quality of drinking water and disrupting the recreational use of many water bodies.
Remote sensing techniques for the detection and quantification of cyanobacterial blooms are required to monitor their initiation and spatiotemporal variability. In this study, we developed a novel semi-analytical approach to estimate the concentration of cyanobacteria-specific pigment phycocyanin PC and common phytoplankton pigment chlorophyll a Chl a from hyperspectral remote sensing data.
The PC algorithm was derived from absorbance-concentration relationship, and the Chl a algorithm was devised based on a conceptual three-band structure model. bloom and out-of-bloom times. The sensitivity algae biofuel research paper the algorithms to errors was evaluated. The novel algorithms have extensive practical applicability and should be suitable for the quantification of PC and Chl a in aquatic ecosystems using hyperspectral remote sensing data as well as data from future multispectral remote sensing satellites, if the respective bands are featured in the sensor.
Effect of pH and Alum Dosage on the Efficiency of Microalgae Harvesting via Flocculation Technique. Microalgae biomass is well known as potential sustainable product for the bio-based industry, which has reported encountering numerous difficulties during biomass harvesting and recovering. This study examined the effect of pH 5—12 and harvested via flocculation technique. The optimum pH condition for Botryococcus sp. harvesting was measured at pH 9.
This study revealed that flocculation efficiencies for alum are highly dependent on the range of pH and coagulant dosage that applied during the process. Use of the flocculation technique with aid of alum as a coagulant represents a convenient technique for Botryococcus sp.
biomass harvesting and is recommended for use in both the small and large scale biomass industry. Effects of different culture conditions on the phycoremediation efficiency of domestic wastewater.
In this study, algae biofuel research paper, Botryococcus sp. was used to bio-remediate domestic wastewater for nutrient removal coupled with biomass production, algae biofuel research paper. The experiment was set up to investigate the effect of indoor and outdoor culture conditions on the The experiment was set up to investigate the effect of indoor and outdoor culture conditions on the efficiency of phycoremediation and potential biomass productivity, as influenced by different concentrations.
Furthermore, algae biofuel research paper, most of the pseudo-first-order kinetic model for the removal of TP, TN, and TOC showed a decreasing pattern proportionate to the increase in phycoremediation time, algae biofuel research paper.
The results of this study suggest that microalgae biomass production combined with domestic wastewater phycoremediation is a sustainable method. Bioethical considerations for algal biotechnology, algae biofuel research paper. In this manuscript we discuss algae biofuel research paper aspects and applications of algal biotechnology and how they are seen through the prism of bioethics.
We review how algae have been considered to solve problems on Earth and to ease human suffering We review how algae have been considered to solve problems algae biofuel research paper Earth and to ease human suffering.
We also take a look at the current state of the production of algal biomass and we offer our suggestions and considerations based on the fact that the biomass is an expensive product and yet its quality is very good. Converting Live Nuisance Cyanobacterial Scum to Carbohydraterich Feedstock for Bioethanol Production: Killing Two Birds with One Stone. Outbreaks of cyanobacterial harmful Outbreaks of cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms present a serious threat to ecosystem safety and human well-being.
Removal of toxic cyanobacterial biomass from freshwaters and its safe utilization is a worldwide problem. We showed that regulation of intracellular carbon flow by applying nitrogen deprivation strategy with light and inorganic carbon manipulation during the cultivation of cyanobacterium Microcystis allows efficiently convert its biomass into the biofuel feedstock.
The proteomic analysis demonstrated that highly efficient feedstock production can be achieved during Microcystis culturing by nitrogen deprivation, algae biofuel research paper, which slows down the catabolic consumption of carbohydrates in cells. Further, we developed a novel approach that allows converting the natural Microcystis biomass into carbohydrate-rich feedstock by maintaining a high rate of carbohydrate production at minimal biomass losses.
The yield attains 0. The suggested approach provides cost-effective technology for sustainable green energy production from nuisance cyanobacterial biomass. The massive removal of toxic cyanobacterial biomass for bioethanol productions can mitigate the harmful cyanobacterial blooms in eutrophic lakes, and positively affect their restoration.
Efficacy of drying and cell disruption techniques on lipid recovery from microalgae for biodiesel production. ABSTRACT Downstream processing of microalgal biomass presents a significant challenge to large scale biodiesel production. Scenedesmus sp. which is known to be a potential feedstock for biodiesel production was cultivated in an open which is known to be a potential feedstock for biodiesel production was cultivated in an open circular pond.
The biomass productivity peaked at day 21 with a yield of 1. Biomass was harvested by gravitational settling followed by centrifugation. Harvested biomass was dried using the freeze drying, oven drying and sun drying processes followed by lipid extraction which yielded Lipids were extracted from microalgal biomass dried by selected drying techniques using microwave and sonication for cell disruption in the presence of mixture of chloroform and ethanol Microwave assisted extraction of sun dried biomass yielded The saponification and acid algae biofuel research paper of the lipid obtained from Scenedesmus sp.
dried by selected drying techniques showed high saponification and acid value indicating presence of high free fatty acid content. Effect of different drying and cell disruption technique on fatty acid profile of lipids extracted from Scenedesmus sp. biomass was also studied. These values indicate promising potential of the oil produced for conversion into biodiesel. Biocatalytic conversion of lipids from microalgae Scenedesmus obliquus to biodiesel using Pseudomonas fluorescens lipase.
ABSTRACT Conversion of microalgal lipids using biocatalyst is a novel and greener algae biofuel research paper to produce biodiesel. Free and immobilized lipases from Candida sp.
and Pseudomonas fluorescens along with free lipases from porcine pancreas and and Pseudomonas fluorescens along with free lipases from porcine pancreas and wheat germ were screened for biodiesel conversion of Scenedesmus obliquus lipids. Among selected lipases from various sources immobilized lipase from P. fluorescens showed superior biodiesel algae biofuel research paper. Optimization of reaction parameters viz.
lipase amount, temperature, methanol to oil molar ratio and water content was carried out using response surface methodology.
Best conversion of To tackle methanol tolerance step-wise methanol addition was applied, which improved biodiesel conversion upto Immobilized P. Biodiesel produced has the cetane number of Most of the fuel properties of biodiesel met the specifications set by ASTM and EN standards. High-value products from macroalgae: the potential uses of the invasive brown seaweed, Sargassum muticum.
Ensilage and anaerobic digestion of Sargassum muticum.
Biofuel From Microalgae
, time: 29:37
Recent papers in Biofuels from algae Papers People Effect of pH and Alum Dosage on the Efficiency of Microalgae Harvesting via Flocculation Technique Microalgae biomass is well known as potential sustainable product for the bio-based industry, which has reported encountering numerous difficulties during biomass harvesting and recovering Algae can be used to make Biodiesel, Bio ethanol and biobutanol and b y some can produce vastly superior amounts of vegetable oil, compared to Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins recommended the preparation of this review paper on algae-based biofuels as a reference platform for possible future work of the Organization. Development of the review paper was coordinated by Alessandro Flammini (GBEP Secretariat) under the overall guidance of Mr Jeff Tschirley (Chair, FAO Bioenergy Working Group)
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