- Create an algorithm to print first N prime number! - Can we do better to check a prime number? Please express how to speed up the prime checking algorithm, and what is the best complexity that you can come up with? (for example: if the input is 5, then the printed result will be the first 5 prime numbers Prime Numbers Homework Help, How To Resume Game In Aoe3, Examples Of Essays That Start With A Question, Cheap College Essay Ghostwriter Website For University/10() Math Homework Help; Integers; Even and Odd Numbers; Rational and Irrational Numbers; Decimal Places; Prime Numbers; World's Largest Known Prime Number ; Cardinal, Ordinal, and Nominal Numbers; Numerical Prefixes; Mean and Median; Rounding Numbers; More than a Million; The First Thousand Digits of Pi; Roman Numerals
Numbers: Mean, median, prime numbers, Roman numerals, homework help, rounding
Find centralized, trusted prime numbers homework help and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I'm trying to make an bool Isprime function that creates a list of prime numbers covering a user-input integer, then linearly search through that list and return true if the input integer is in that list.
I'm having a problem, however, figuring out how to make the list that covers the input integer that is, if the user inputs 4, the list must have 2,3, and prime numbers homework help. Here is the code I have so far I know it's completely wrong, I've tried doing research but I just can't figure out how to do this. You got a list of known primes which you can use to check each individual number to see if it a prime.
Right now you try to iterate over this list on the outer level, prime numbers homework help. That doesn't seem to be quite right. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams?
Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more, prime numbers homework help. Homework help: prime numbers Ask Question. Asked 8 years ago. Active 8 years ago. Viewed times. begin ;it! I can figure out the linear search. Improve this question. edited Oct 6 '13 at Konrad Rudolph k gold badges silver badges bronze badges. asked Oct 6 '13 at Jake Hafendorfer Jake Hafendorfer 1 3 3 bronze badges. You have a syntax error.
Show your real code. Could you please rephrase it? not-rightfold that is the code I have, except for the linear search. What is prime numbers homework help syntax error? Hippo, for instance, if the user input 8, the list would have to contain 2,3,5,7, and the list has to contain prime numbers up to the one equal or greater than the input integer. Show 3 more comments. Active Oldest Votes. Here is one way to go about it matching what you tried to do : Count from 3 up to the number you are looking for.
Determine the maximum prime value you need to check against i. If the number is a prime, add it prime numbers homework help the list of known primes, prime numbers homework help.
Improve this answer. answered Oct 6 '13 at Dietmar Kühl Dietmar Kühl k 12 12 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. The maximum prime value I need to check against has to be equal or greater to the input integer, not the square root. How to I make that happen without iterating through the list? My point is that you can stop processing primes from the list of known primes when checking a specific number once you encountered a prime which is bigger than the square root of the value currently being checked.
Since computing the square root is a fairly expensive operation you'd want to do it once for each number you want to check for being a prime.
With respect to your question: I think I gave you quite precise instructions. You mean me to write the code? Well, you see, I don't need these exercises anymore. Add a comment.
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