Social Studies Georgia Standards of Excellence Georgia Department of Education June 9, Page 1 of 12 Economics Economics is the study of how individuals, businesses, and governments make decisions about Terms offered: Spring , Fall , Spring The course provides a survey of economics principles and methods. It covers both microeconomics, the study of consumer choice, firm behavior, and market interaction, and macroeconomics, the study of economic growth, unemployment, and inflation 1 Economics Spring Answers to Homework #3 Due Thursday, March 16, Directions: • The homework will be collected in a box before the large lecture. • Please place your name, TA name and section number on top of the homework (legibly)
Economics (ECON) < University of Pennsylvania
Introduction to economic analysis and its application. Theory of supply and demand, costs and revenues of the firm under order econ homework competition, monopoly and oligopoly, pricing of factors of production, income distribution, and theory of international trade.
Econ 1 deals primarily with microeconomics. An examination of a market economy to provide an understanding of how the size and composition of national output are determined. Elements of monetary and fiscal policy, international trade, economic development, and comparative economic systems.
Prerequisite: ECON ECON Introduction to Economics for Business. The first part of the course covers basic microeconomic concepts such as opportunity cost, comparative advantage, supply and demand, importance of costs and revenues under perfect competition vs.
monopoly, externalities and public goods. The second part of the course introduces macroeconomic data, two models of the labor market, a model of the aggregate household, and the standard AD-AS model. The course concludes with an introduction to fiscal policy, banking, and the role of the Central Bank.
This course is about strategically interdependent decisions. In such situations, the outcome of your actions depends also on the actions of others. When making order econ homework choice, you have to think what the others will choose, who in turn are thinking what you will be choosing, order econ homework, and so on.
Game Theory offers several concepts and insights for understanding such situations, and for making better strategic choices.
This course will introduce and develop some basic ideas from game theory, using illustrations, applications, and cases drawn from business, order econ homework, order econ homework, politics, sports, and even fiction and movies. Some interactive games will be played in class. There will be little formal theory, and the only pre-requisites are some high-school algebra and having taken ECON However, general numeracy facility interpreting and doing numerical graphs, tables, and arithmetic calculations is very important.
This course will also be accepted by the Economics department as an Econ course, to be counted toward the minor in Economics or as an Econ elective, order econ homework.
Prerequisite: This course course may not be taken concurrently with or after ECON Also Offered As: PPE Notes: This course may NOT be taken concurrently or after ECON A broad overview of American economic history will be provided by focusing on the following topics: European colonization of the western hemisphere; mercantilism and the British Economy; the economics of slavery; metro-industrialization; agricultural expansion and technological innovation in the nineteenth century; the growth and role of credit institutions; financial panics and business cycles; the evolution of federal government interventions into the economy; women and work; the dynamics of mass consumerism; the Great Depression and the New Deal; political economic shifts in post-World II America; forms of globalization; deindustrialization; the "financialization" of the American economy; and the economic disorders of our own times.
Also Offered As: HIST This course presents an overview of the field of development economics. The general aim is to show how economic analysis has been applied to issues related to developing countries. Among the topics covered are: income distribution, poverty, health, population growth, migration, growth, and the rural economy.
Students may NOT take ECON and Prerequisite: ECON OR ECON Notes: Students may NOT take ECON and ECON The International Monetary System from Sterling to Cryptocurrencies The course will cover the modern evolution of the international monetary system going all the way back to the era when sterling became the leading international currencies.
It is arranged thematically and chronologically both. The lessons and readings will introduce students to the principal evolutions of the international monetary system and at the same time, it will give them an understanding of regimes, their mechanics and the geopolitical economies behind systemic shifts.
Students need not have an economic background but must be prepared to read about exchange rates order econ homework world politics. Special focus on: The early modern international monetary system. How Amsterdam and London captured the Spanish treasure, order econ homework.
Beyond the West Ottoman Empire, India, China. The Napoleonic wars and the rise of sterling. Hong-Kong: Silver, order econ homework, Opium, and the Recycling of Surpluses. The emergence of the Gold Standard. Bimetallism: The US election of Sterling and Key Currencies before WWI.
The First World War and the origins of dollar supremacy. When the dollar displaced sterling s. The collapse of the international gold standard s, order econ homework. The Bretton Woods System. The rise and rise of the US dollar. Currency competition Dollar, Euro, Yuan Renminbi. The meaning of cryptocurrencies. ECON Financial Meltdown, Past and Present. Economic history is increasingly recognized as a crucial source of policy advice and is invoked with growing frequency in public debates, order econ homework.
In particular, the subprime crisis in and after has generated a demand for "historical perspective" that would improve the understanding of the causes of financial turmoil and facilitate order econ homework prevention of comparable catastrophes. This course begins with a review of the principal features of the subprime crisis of and asks, so to speak, "how did we get there? ECON Introduction to Business, Economic and Financial History.
Business, Economic and Financial History plays a crucial role today in informing the views of business leaders, policy makers, order econ homework, reformers and public intellectuals. This seminar provides students with the opportunity to acquire a command of the key elements of this important intellectual field.
The seminar format enables us to do this engagingly through reading and discussion. Students acquire a knowledge of the fundamental texts and controversies. Each meeting focuses on one foundational debate and provides a means to be up to date with the insights gleaned from rigorous economic history. We will examine twelve important debates and students will be asked to write a paper. The debates will include such questions order econ homework What is growth and how can it be measured?
What caused the "great divergence" in long run development among countries? How can we "understand" the rise and fall of slavery and its long shadow today? What order econ homework globalization and when did it begin?
Did the Gold Standard and interwar order econ homework and monetary policy orthodoxy cause the great depression? How can we explain the evolution of inequality in the very long run?
This course provides an introduction to the economic method for analyzing public policy questions. It develops the implications of this method for the role of government in a market economy and for the analysis of specific public projects.
Credit cannot be received for both ECON and Prerequisite: ECON AND ECON OR ECON Notes: Credit cannot be received for both ECON and This course examines the effects of strategic behavior on political outcomes and government policies.
Topics and applications may include voting behavior, candidate competition, voting systems, social choice and welfare, policy divergence, redistributive policies and theories of political transitions. Credit will NOT be given for ECON and ECON Notes: Credit will NOT be given for ECON and ECON The course begins with an extensive discussion of models of labor order econ homework demand and supply. The rest of the course addresses a variety of related topics including the school -to-work transition, job training, employee benefits, the role of labor unions, discrimination, workforce diversity, poverty, and public policy.
Credit cannot be received for both ECON and ECON Notes: Credit cannot be received for both ECON and ECON Theories of various industrial organizational structures and problems are developed, including monopoly, oligopoly, moral hazard and adverse selection. These theories are then applied to the study of various industries, antitrust cases, and regulatory issues, order econ homework.
The relationship of economic principles to law and the use of economic analysis to study legal problems. Topics will include: property rights and intellectual property; analysis of antitrust and economic analysis of legal decision making, order econ homework.
ECON The Economics and Financing of Health Care Delivery. The course provides an application of economic models to demand, supply, and their interaction in the medical economy. Influences on demand, especially health status, insurance coverage, and income will be analyzed. Physician decisions on the pricing and form of their own services, and on the advice they offer about other services, will be considered.
Competition in medical care markets, especially for hospital services, will be studied, order econ homework. Special emphasis will be placed on government as demander of medical care services. Changes in Medicare and regulation of managed care are among the public policy issues to be addressed. Prerequisite: If course requirement not met, permission of instructor required. Also Offered As: HCMG Free markets excel at producing wealth, but seem to do so at the cost of economic inequality.
Is this inequality unjust? Is it a problem economics and public policy should solve? Liberal democracies have traditionally had the protection of private property as a core mandate. But they also have varying degrees of redistribution in order to fund social welfare systems.
Opportunity Cost for Econ Homework
, time: 3:20
Start studying ECON CHAPTER 2. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. d. measuring all of the costs of a meal against all of the benefits when deciding whether to order a second milkshake. a. ECON HOMEWORK/FINAL REVIEW GTC. 51 terms. georgia_taylor OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR. The ECON STUDY. Flashcards. Learn. Write. Spell. Test. PLAY. Match. Gravity. Created by. Toristarr Homework 1. Terms in this set (10) value of other goods and services that are sacrificed in order to construct the new highway Homework 1 Homework 1 Score at this module item Scored at least Module item has been completed by scoring at least View Must view in order to complete this module item Viewed Module item has been viewed and is complete Mark done Must mark this module item done in order to complete Marked done Module item
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