Thursday, October 7, 2021

Essay on our day out by willy russell

Essay on our day out by willy russell

essay on our day out by willy russell

‘Our Day Out’ is set in the inner city of Liverpool. This area had a high amount of environmental problems that included derelict houses, vandalism and a vast amount of pollution and decay. Due to these circumstances, people started to drift away from the inner city and soon enough there was an increase of unemployment and blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins This essay sample on Our Day Out Willy Russell provides all necessary basic info on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this Russell wrote our Day out in The story is set in a working class area in Liverpool The play ‘Our Day Out’ by Willy Russell depicts how the kids in the poorer parts of the country live. In the book a group of ‘progress class’ children are taken on a trip to Conway Castle. On the trip the also visit the zoo, the beach and the funfair. All of the children have an enjoyable day out and even some of the more irritable teachers enjoy themselves.5/5(1)

Our Day Out by Willy Russell Essay Example For Students - words | Artscolumbia

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. On the trip the also visit the zoo, the beach and the funfair. All of the children have an enjoyable day out and even some of the more irritable teachers enjoy themselves.

In the play, life is portrayed as very different in the countryside compared to life in the essay on our day out by willy russell. One of the teachers, Mr Briggs, begins to have fun as the day progresses and shows some understanding for the children, something you do not normally see in him.

In Liverpool, the children do not appear to have very much in life and this is often portrayed in the play. The city is shown as a run down, gloomy place. The children think this as well. Most of the kids are not embarrassed or ashamed to talk about Liverpool freely, however, are sad to live there. In the play, a teacher named Briggs, who can be quite irritable, is told to join the other teachers on the trip to keep an eye on things.

The other teachers are not best pleased about this but their views are kept to themselves and they try to get on with things as usual. When Mrs Kay brings up the idea for the kids to go to the zoo, he is not best pleased.

However, Mrs Kay points out that the kids may as well enjoy themselves whilst at school as when they leave they are most likely to be unemployed. The future for these children is uncertain. She talks about how difficult it is to prepare them for work, when there are not the same opportunities for them now as there were ten years ago.

However, essay on our day out by willy russell, know they do not even have that to aim for most of them were born to factory fodder but the factories have closed down now. The boredom in the city due to lack of parks and public essay on our day out by willy russell the children can enjoy. The play describes how in the city most property is vandalised or run down.

Another character, Andrews, argues that maybe if something like Conway Castle was given to the kids they would look after it, because it would belong to them. This quote is from Carol, it shows how when the kids look at the city it saddens them and makes them want to leave.

Carol also asks Mrs. Being in the city makes the kids feel like they are trapped. This is because they know that they will not do well at school and they will have little or no prospect of a job. One of the main reasons the children are so depressed is because they are concentrating on the bad things and ignoring the good things. There are some good things about the city and there are probably some good schools. Briggs tries to tell the children this but they are too nai?? Reilly can be a bully to other children at times in the play.

It is difficult to be certain why the city might make children behave this way. However, I have already talked about the children being trapped and the suggestion from Ronson when they visit the zoo is that trapping things is cruel and makes the mad.

He relates to what it must be like for the animals, trapped in a pit and knowing there are other ways of living. Perhaps also the peace and quiet essay on our day out by willy russell lack of pollution helps them think more clearly. There are a number of differences between the city and countryside, which the play highlights.

For example, the play talks about it. Carol, for example, says to Mrs. In the play, it is suggested that if the children lived in the countryside they would not get into trouble. In the city, the kids appear to be more enclosed and do not have as much open space. Kay is in goal. The similarities are that both the city and the countryside have decayed buildings but the decay in the city is due to vandalism and neglect, whilst the decay in the countryside is natural.

Some of the differences are that the city is noisy and the country is peaceful, the city is polluted, and the country clean, the city is built up and the country has a lot of free space.

The play shows very stereotypical people, by the country people rejecting the city people and vice versa. The only real exceptions are the teachers.

In real life, this essay on our day out by willy russell not true at all, we have many different personalities in the real world. Some of the differences mentioned would be hard to put across on stage due to the small amount of space, for example representing the large open countryside.

Pollution would be hard to show indoors, as there is little room to work with. One way of showing pollution is using a smoke machine, but even then, it would not create the same effect. The stage would have three backgrounds, one being buildings and cars, being the city, essay on our day out by willy russell, and another with mountains, sea, sun, and a clean beach, being the countryside, a sweet shop counter, being the sweet shop, and another being the zoo, with animals.

This would emphasise the atmosphere of the two main parts of the play. I really enjoyed the story line, humour, and the individual characters. In addition, a big part of the play that makes it really enjoyable is the change of personality in some of the characters, for example in most of the play Briggs is a mean, and irritable teacher. However, essay on our day out by willy russell, towards the end of the play he becomes funny, essay on our day out by willy russell, and more easy going.

The play also shows that the city does change your personality because when Briggs returns to the city he returns to his usual grumpy self. I thought this was a well thought out play and would recommend it to anyone. Hi there, would you like to get such an essay?

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In the book a group of 'progress class' children are taken on a trip to Conway Castle. The level of traffic and pollution, the ".

Sherrie Hood.

Our Day Out by Willy Russell Entire Play 1970s BBC film

, time: 44:55

Essays on Our Day Out. Research Paper Topics & Free Essay Examples. How to write about Our Day Out

essay on our day out by willy russell

The play ‘Our Day Out’ by Willy Russell depicts how the kids in the poorer parts of the country live. In the book a group of ‘progress class’ children are taken on a trip to Conway Castle. On the trip the also visit the zoo, the beach and the funfair. All of the children have an enjoyable day out and even some of the more irritable teachers enjoy themselves.5/5(1) ‘Our Day Out’ is set in the inner city of Liverpool. This area had a high amount of environmental problems that included derelict houses, vandalism and a vast amount of pollution and decay. Due to these circumstances, people started to drift away from the inner city and soon enough there was an increase of unemployment and blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins This essay sample on Our Day Out Willy Russell provides all necessary basic info on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this Russell wrote our Day out in The story is set in a working class area in Liverpool

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