Thursday, October 7, 2021

An essay on brain drain

An essay on brain drain

an essay on brain drain

 · Argumentative essay on brain drain for word essay on why smoking is bad. They must be approved by the author is the second. To explain or illustrate the concept. 1. Researchers have been run by linden lab, a guy from iowa state university, where he works with elementary school tells a child to put quotation marks or bad, they are usually commonly accepted, the editor must + Words Essay on Brain Drain. Brain Drain refers to substantial emigration or migration of individuals. Furthermore, such individuals possess the advantage of higher training at home. Moreover, Brain Drain shows the net loss for the sending country. One reason for Brain Drain could be turmoil within a nation. Another reason could be better pay in other countries/organizations. Most  · Essay No. Brain Drain- A Reverse Phenomenon. In , approximately million people lived outside their home countries, with one in five living in the US. Over the years, the United States has been the most successful in drawing, soaking-up, and exploiting talent from all across the world. The US with its world renowned universities, its dynamic companies, its high standard of living

Essay on Brain Drain Causes Effects Advantages Disadvantages

Everything has explained in this essay or article about What are the main reasons for brain drain in India? What are the positive effects of brain drain? How can it an essay on brain drain solved or we control it in India? What are the advantages an essay on brain drain the major disadvantages of a brain drain shown in points? Meaning of brain drain : This is a new concept of migration of people. It refers to the increasing tendency of the intellectuals of various spheres to migrate to other countries.

Students and other people who are moving to other countries are getting a lot of benefits. Some take a lot of advantages of brain drain. They go to foreign countries because there are better job opportunities than in India.

They also, get handsome salaries as compared to those of India. Thus our country is being deprived of qualified like doctors, engineers, scientists, and many other professionals. We can say that there some advantages and disadvantages of brain drain. We must tax our brain to find out the causes behind and Govt must find solutions to brain drain to keep youth in India.

All human beings need food shelter and clothes which are the basic necessities of life. If we offer them good opportunities in India, they needn't leave their own motherland. India is an essay on brain drain developing country where the dreams and aspirations of our intellectuals remain unfulfilled.

So an essay on brain drain migrate to other countries like U. There they get all facilities, handsome packages and a better lifestyle.

But the effects of brain drain is that Our country an essay on brain drain been losing talented people and intelligent mind. Read Also Essay on My Favourite teacher. There are two types of brain drain. Through which people move to other countries forever.

For exampleCanada invites workers from other countries for work and offers permanent residency in Canada. This allows people to apply in different categories like a welder, an essay on brain drain, cook, etc. Many people invest in Canada, under this program people from other countries invest in a business in Canada and live in Canada permanently. What are the positive and negative effects of brain drain?

The main cause behind this problem is unemployment, lack of jobs and meager wages, etc. In developing countries, there are fewer opportunities for employment for professionals. Problem of unemployment. Educated, Trained and qualified persons, an essay on brain drain, like teachers, doctors, engineers and other technical hands, are wandering from pillar to post in a search of jobs. In India, the problem of unemployment has already become a serious problem.

Unemployment is increasing day by day in our country. Students are lazy even with higher degrees. There are a lot of jobs in government departments but the unemployment rate has gone up due to poor government policy.

The government always pretends to empty the coffers. Lack of jobs : The government has started promoting the private sector instead of the public sector, which has led to a lack of employment for the people. In the private sector, a lot of work is taken from individuals, and salaries are not only paid. This makes life difficult for the common man. Low wages or salaries : Governments hire on a contract basis for government work and employees are being exploited more and more.

Governments pay only Rs. Employs employees but does not secure them. Employees quit their jobs and others are hired on contract. TET cleared is working as a primary teacher at Rs, an essay on brain drain. It is because government jobs are not available. So, the talented professionals are being exploited.

Nowadays, anyone is afraid to start a new business because the tax collection procedures of the Government of India are not suitable for the general public. Different things are taxed differently by an essay on brain drain government. As a result, an essay on brain drain, business in every sector has come down a lot. This is also the reason why people are migrating to other countries. Fewer facilities and no management : Another factor is that there is no job-satisfaction in any department.

A scientist is working without a library. An English teacher is teaching the primary classes. A doctor is maintaining the accounts of a big hospital. Everyone in the country is paying taxes. But no special benefits are given to the common man in return for that tax. Just as government hospitals do not have all kinds of doctors for treatment if there are doctors, there is always a shortage of machines to treat them.

Getting treatment in private hospitals is beyond the reach of the common man. And there are many other reasons why people are moving from India to other countries. Low currency and low GDP : When India became independent inthe value of the rupee was equal to the dollar.

Today, one US dollar is worth about 70 rupees in India. That means people go to other countries and earn good money and GDP is or in India. If once GDP goes less than 0 it means govt is getting failed in all fields. Corruption in India : Corruption is so rampant in the country that nothing can be done without money.

Bribes and recommendations are also needed to get a job in the public or private sector. Nowadays if one has talent then he does not get a good job due to lack of recommendation. Education system : The education offered in India is less than that of other countries. Because more attention is paid to the theory of each subject. When in schools and colleges, very little practice is done according to the subject.

So Indian students, despite having talent, face disappointment. Population problem in India : In our country, one child is born every second. This means that even today in many states family planning procedures have not been adopted. Due to this, the population of the country is increasing day by day. The large population also makes it difficult for people to get a good job, an essay on brain drain. And people are moving out of the country to other countries.

Low living style : The culture of India is much loved by the people of other countries. But unfortunately even today the living conditions of the people of our country have changed very little.

In many areas or states, too many families are living below the poverty line. The government is not doing much for the people but providing more facilities for the big families.

Discrimination and caste system : Where other countries have made so much progress, but in India even today people are discriminated against as a caste. Governments are not taking any significant steps in this direction.

Most of the media has also become marketable and the right news is not shown properly. Read Also Essay on Uses of Forests. What are the benefits of brain drain? Generally, the Indians are known for their sincerity, honesty and hardworking nature. When they migrate to any foreign country, an essay on brain drain, they can get the job of their choice.

They get a handsome salary or adequate wages. In return, the economy of that country goes on developing. It has been seen that we ourselves wish to send a an essay on brain drain member abroad. When he becomes a Millionaire within five to ten years, all the family gets settled. In America or Canada or Australia, the Indians have become the backbone of the economy of these countries.

In recent times, many families have been sending their children to other countries for education. The main example of brain drain that youth is migrating to other countries on a study or permanent basis. As of today, an essay on brain drain, more students are going to study in countries like Australia, England, Germany, and Canada. It costs up to 2. That means India's money is going to other countries. Educated children settle permanently in countries like Canada.

It means that the youth of our country is settling abroad. Young people are the future of the country. If the youth of the country does not remain in the country then the country cannot progress.

Brain drain essay #Brain drain #causes effects and solutions of brain drain #problem of brain drain

, time: 1:52

Brain drain essay bac science

an essay on brain drain

How many words is a word essay essayer nouvelle coupe de cheveux science drain essay Brain bac, personal essays collection debatable essay ielts social work essay competition. Case study mississippi flood Winner of nse essay competition patient case study presentation how to write an introduction of an argumentative essay  · Brain Drain Essay Essay. Brain drain refers to the process in which some of the well-educated and brilliant people move to other countries due to lack of proper resources and education in their own countries. Recently, India has witnessed brain drain rapidly due Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins  · After reading this long the student can easily write , , , , , words paragraph/essay by themselves. What is brain drain and its effects? Meaning of brain drain: This is a new concept of migration of people. It refers to the increasing tendency of the intellectuals of various spheres to migrate to other countries. Students and other people who are moving to other countries

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